Thoughtful… Josh Kumra

The stand-out feature in this video, is how he is seemingly balancing the camera on his head at a number of points throughout.. Gives an interesting perspective!

Mind-scape… Of Monsters And Men

Flying ships, meterorites… wow! Another incredibly creative, imaginative and some very-strange-visuals number! Probably some deep and meaningfuls in there…

Ahhh… Alastair Griffin

Sweet -is all that can be said about this video, as it follows the day-in-the-life of a little school boy. Crushes, dreams and finding out who he is meant to be..

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Video Highlights

Check out this 70’s groove disco vid!
If you have a video highlight you’d like to see included on our Video Proms page, why don’t you send it in for us? Remember -to be seen, keep it clean!

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Peter Field

Peter is an established performer on the underground punk scene around the North Staffs area and has produced programmes for internet radio stations heard around the world. Peter produces and presents Alternate, a show featuring the best in hardcore rock and punk, heard Saturday and Sunday at 11am and 11pm.

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