As you may be aware, Access Media, is a charity and we work in some of the most deprived areas of the UK. We provide training, work experience and community support. and work with other community media organisations, helping them also make a difference.
One way we fund our work (including the radio station) is by selling donated items on Ebay. A virtual charity shop, if you will. So, if you like buying the odd item on-line and want to support us at the same time, you can! We’ve listed some of our more recent additions to our Ebay shop, below!
And, of course, don’t forget that if you have items you don’t want anymore, you can support us by selling them from the comfort of your own home! Just visit www.accessradio.biz/ebay and select “Add To My Favourites”. The next time you sell something, you’ll get the option to donate some or all of the proceeds to Access!
(N.B. If you have an ad-blocker enabled, the items below may not appear. Just add us to your whitelist, or set your adblocker to “Pause” on our site, and they all should appear when you re-load the page.)