New Songs on The Access Playlist – 22nd Oct 2018

Just three tracks to add to the play-list this week the beginning of a new week. One established artist, one new and one a bit more niche! Switchfoot have been a bit quiet for a couple of years but have a new song out this week ahead of a full album in January next year. There’s a new band (well new to the UK, anyway) in the form for Lese Majesty with their new song Age Of Outrage fresh from it’s debut as Steve’s Track fo the Week last week. Plus, from the world of CCM we have more pop-rock from Ledger. As ever here’s the complete list from this update with links to download/preview them from iTunes and Amazon. 

    • Native Tongue – Switchfoot 
    • Age of Outrage – Lese Majesty
    • Not Dead Yet – Ledger  

N.B. If you can’t see the links to iTunes and Amazon and you are using an ad-blocker, add us to your ‘white-list’ and then they should work fine.


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