This month’s spotlight falls on Rick Wakeman and The English Rock Ensemble‘s album, ‘The Red Planet’. Released in 2020, ‘The Red Planet’ marks a strong return to progressive music of the highest calibre, inspired by mankind’s fascination with Mars and numerous images taken by various rovers during unmanned missions to the planet. Sit back and listen to ‘The Red Planet‘ as the album is played in its entirety for your listening pleasure.
Let music do the talking here from 11pm on Access! Repeated Sat-Mon at the same time.
The playlist for the show is printed below.
Artist – Title
Rick Wakeman and The English Rock Ensemble – Ascraeus Mons
Rick Wakeman and The English Rock Ensemble – Tharsis Mons
Rick Wakeman and The English Rock Ensemble – Arsia Mons
Rick Wakeman and The English Rock Ensemble – Olympus Mons
Rick Wakeman and The English Rock Ensemble – The North Plain
Rick Wakeman and The English Rock Ensemble – Pavonis Mons
Rick Wakeman and The English Rock Ensemble – South Pole
Rick Wakeman and The English Rock Ensemble – Valles Marineris
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