Three songs added to the playlist today – All artists that are new to Access. Unusually (for us!), they’re all a bit chilled out but as usual we’ve scoured the world for positive new tunes. We’ve got some Electro-Swing from Dutch singer Caro Emerald, some laid back pop-rock from Australian rock trio DMA’s and a superb singer-songwriter styled ballad from the Irish Pop band Picture This.
As usual we’ve listed our new songs below with links to download/preview them from iTunes and Amazon.
- Wake Up Romeo – Caro Emerald
- Learning Alive – DMA’s
- If I Build A House On The Moon – Picture This
N.B. If you can’t see the links to iTunes and Amazon and you are using an ad-blocker, add us to your ‘white-list’ and then they should work fine.
Playlist Adds 24th June 2020